Designed by Charles E. Keyser in 1929, the Fire Headquarters building in downtown KCK displays the understated sophistication and elegant restraint epitomizing much of the the architect’s body of work. IAA was commissioned to restore Keyser’s design, and repair or replace all doors and windows. Our team recognized the significance, not only in restoring the structure for optimum functionality, but also in preserving its original character. Of course, this delicate balance presented a unique challenge. Nevertheless, it was one our team was eager to take on.
Of the nearly 85 window openings, virtually all still held the original steel frame windows and single-pane glass. Each were replaced with aluminum historic replica ones to match the originals. The six existing overhead doors, installed decades after the building was completed and clashing with Keyser’s design, were replaced. Through research and historic images, our team discovered that the original doors were of a four-fold design. Luckily, we were able to replicate them, but with a modernized, electric and highly-functional version. Ultimately, each repair and update was made with this primary objective in mind: maintaining the historic integrity of Keyser’s original design in order to ensure authenticity and longevity for years to come.