This past month, Majid and Elizabeth Amirahmadi, founding Partners and Principals of International Architects Atelier (IAA), traveled to Jackson, Wyoming to serve on a panel of distinguished jurors for the 2014 AIA Wyoming Design Awards at their Annual Fall Conference Celebration. We are very proud of their representation of IAA as well as our region. The AIA Wyoming design awards program only occurs every 3 years, making it a rare occasion that the Design Awards and Fall Conference coincide with one another. The purpose of the Design Awards program is to recognize excellence in architectural design and to promote public recognition and contributions of AIA WY members, their firms and their communities.
Majid and Elizabeth both served as jurors alongside Randy Brown (RBA Architects), Wendy Ornelas (Condia + Ornelas Architects), and Bob Condia (Condia + Ornelas Architects).
As a small chapter, AIA WY members rely on receiving continuing education credits at their Fall Conference. Since there are many rural areas throughout Wyoming, their members don’t always have the opportunity for HSW credits. While attending the annual Fall Conference, Majid Amirahmadi presented a lecture on Building Preservation Technology and Application. The 1.5 hour session focused on innovative, non-invasive, non-destructive techniques for the analysis of existing buildings and structures, and the practical application of current data collection technology.